Why real estate agents need to create a vision for their businesses.

Have you ever thought about the importance of creating a vision? This is a crucial lesson that they don’t teach you in real estate school. It’s very important because it keeps you thinking about the future instead of being wrapped up in the here and now. Also, it will help you through struggles and keep your eye on the prize. 

This vision will be a representation of who you are and what your business stands for. It’s bigger than any of your goals and is more about the impact you’ll make on the world. What does the world look like when your business is thriving and achieving its goals? What will you leave behind? These are questions you need to ask yourself. 

When you’re creating your vision, think about something bigger than yourself and what purpose you will serve. If you want to, you could connect your vision to a charity or cause that you are passionate about. Just know that people are attracted to people who have a vision and purpose. Simon Sinek says it well: “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

“A person without a dream never has a dream come true.”

In theory, there are a lot of people who could do what you do. Therefore, what will set you apart is why you do it. Begin with the end in mind. Then as you set each goal, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time, but instead, you can just make sure your decisions line up with your vision and purpose. Then you just need to put one foot in front of the other, even if you can’t see each step. 

Make sure you can articulate your vision, as that is what will attract other people to your business. Just make sure you do something, because a person without a dream never has a dream come true, and you don’t want that to be you. Instead, think about this, write it down, and tell your coach what you came up with. If there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to call or email me. I would be happy to hear from you.